Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS | Page 48 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS

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Well since I have the axle in-hand finally... I guess I can start my thread.

I bought this axle about a month ago from a guy in OR and finally made it around to picking it up yesterday. I watched as he actually took the axle out from under the truck. It's pretty clean.

1983 Jeep Wagoneer LP D44

The plans:
Rubicon Express leaf springs (unless someone suggests otherwise)

Then SOA the rear, add a locker, and 5x4.5 to 6x5.5 adapters (I heard they make them). So far I am thinking about going 35/36s BFGs or IROKs.

So.... any suggestions?


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:help: :dunno:

Thanks for the support, TD. :p:

Well, it kinda reminds me of the day the chevy shackle broke on my zuk. BANG and the leaf and frame was married.

Make them out of at least 3/16" thick steel, and box them.

When I made the shackles for the front, they are from 3/8"x2" steel. No bends.. yet.

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Well, it kinda reminds me of the day the chevy shackle broke on my zuk. BANG and the leaf and frame was married.

Make them out of at least 3/16" thick steel, and box them.

When I made the shackles for the front, they are from 3/8"x2" steel. No bends.. yet.

Guess I'll try some 1/4" or 3/8". Maybe get out the trusty torch to heat for the bends.

Doood. What does a bus have to do with bringing your truck to CA?

Well while FROADER posts (errr eats dinner), here's a prime example of why a school bus is needed:


Well while FROADER posts (errr eats dinner), here's a prime example of why a school bus is needed:

what, so you can put your ass high up in the air?

Get a uhaul box truck. cheaper, and goes faster..

Get a uhaul box truck. cheaper, and goes faster..
Saw that idea from PBB too ;) I have considered the U-haul idea tho. But for the price (school buses can be found for ~$500 to $1,000 USD), I think a bus is cheaper. And, obviously depending on the size of the school bus, there is typically plenty of room left over for living space (bunk beds, a fridge, and a small table to eat on).

You do bring up a good point about the speed and I haven't even thought about this. I have seen school buses on the highway fully loaded going on field trips and what not and they look like they are easily doing 55 mph.

I really like those U-haul conversions on Pirate too.

Ok, this one was at the Expo.

ohhhh just gotta dig those beadlocks!;)


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ohhhh just gotta dig those beadlocks!;)

LOL we noticed that too - and strangely enough, the buggy doesnt have any bead locks. I guess they have their priorities backwards :D

Might be because 22's don't have safety beads, and they wanted to be able to air down to get the thing offroad..

Might be because 22's don't have safety beads, and they wanted to be able to air down to get the thing offroad..
Ah gotcha - thanks:D

FROADER and I were joking that maybe they take that bus on the rocks -- some serious approach angle on that thing :D

okay [/hijack] ;)




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I just picked up some 1/4" junk. Let the fabbing begin. :(

How thin was that stuff? 22ga?

Johnny stop screwing around and just put some coil overs on there:p:

really though, box it all or get some flat stock that has a lip on it. gives it some strength. Iused this suff for my rear shackles

geee didnt see that coming!

How thin was that stuff? 22ga?

Yeah.. 1/8". :eek:

Johnny stop screwing around and just put some coil overs on there:p:

really though, box it all or get some flat stock that has a lip on it. gives it some strength. Iused this suff for my rear shackles

Just wait till these new ones are done. The leaf will bend before they do. :cool: :p:

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the good news is the welds held up! hahaha

Thats good news for your spring hangers, crossmember, B2dudes bumper, etc etc hahahaha
totally kidding your skillz are mad compared to mine, but the first thing I thought of when you posted a pic of those is "I hope hes going to box them in"
cuz thats skinny metal.

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