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Section525's Sliders

section525 said:
Going to get some metal at Tractor Supply ($99.00 a foot :rolleyes: )
TSC sells metal?!?!?! :eek: :eek:

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section525 said:
Here's Jr. checkin out my stuff.
who's bigger junor or the 35?.... :p

section525 said:
I shouldn't cut the whole pinch weld out, correct? So I think this is about as close as I should get it.

Colin, Stuc-o, Jefe, anyone? :p

Just notch out the pinch weld where you need to to get them up tighter to the body. If you really want to get adventurous, notch the rocker and tuck them all the way up ;) .

I just took a sledge to the portion of the pinch weld that would interfere, and put the slider about 1/2" below the body (not measuring pinch weld)

Jefe said:
If you think yours are heavy, mine are two 2"x3"x1/4" welded together :eek:

The ones I put on Ben's truck are 2" x 3" x 1/4 wall. I used 2" x 2" x 1/4 bars back to the frame, and then 1/4" plate for the mounts. And yes..they are dang heavy. I've built several sets so far. ExplorerEB96, Doug, Ben, Parli22 and I all have 'em on our trucks.

Tex, if you can make it up from hicksville, I can build a set for ya. I just need to know ahead of time so I can order the steel. Takes about a day from raw chunks of steel to finished product installed. Worst part (as stated above) is driver's side. I usually end up dropping the gas tank to put 'em in.

JDraper said:
The ones I put on Ben's truck are 2" x 3" x 1/4 wall. I used 2" x 2" x 1/4 bars back to the frame, and then 1/4" plate for the mounts. And yes..they are dang heavy. I've built several sets so far. ExplorerEB96, Doug, Ben, Parli22 and I all have 'em on our trucks.

Tex, if you can make it up from hicksville, I can build a set for ya. I just need to know ahead of time so I can order the steel. Takes about a day from raw chunks of steel to finished product installed. Worst part (as stated above) is driver's side. I usually end up dropping the gas tank to put 'em in.

Lets not forget the dirt shower. :D

Blee1099 said:
Lets not forget the dirt shower. :D

Yeah...that added some time to the build :p . Damn mud!!! Note to self...powerwash underside of truck before attempting to remove gas tank bolts with impact wrench... :confused:

Re: pinch seam-

I folded my pinch seam up completly and I am 99% sure Rick has done the same thing for his sliders. You just have to be careful not to get the fender out of alignment on the front while bending it in. I then placed the sliders about a finger width away from the body.

Why did you make the back of the sliders squared off instead of angled? You never plan to back up? :p

And those may only be 100-150 lbs but if you go to ship them forward Air, they consider them 800 lbs dimensionally since they are ~6' long.

Last thing, I feel sorry for all of you who have to drop the tank or move fuel lines to install sliders :D

IZwack said:
TSC sells metal?!?!?! :eek: :eek:

Yeah, small pieces. Nothing longer than 4-6' probably. Only things like flat bar, angle iron, 2'x2' diamond plate. Stuff like that.

JDraper - I imagine you drop the tank because you bolt them in?

Brian1 said:
Why did you make the back of the sliders squared off instead of angled? You never plan to back up?

Same reason boats are only angled in the front but also go in reverse. :p

I figured the rear of the slider is always going to be a couple inches from the tire. It's not like the front where if the tires are turned to one side it leaves a lot of room for rocks etc. But this is my first time.

I am going to notch out sections of the pinch weld and install them a little higher up.

section525 said:
JDraper - I imagine you drop the tank because you bolt them in?

Yup me & Jeff bolted mine in therefore we dropped the tank so we could drill the frame rails.

Just rember they will flex up into the body reguardless. The frame just flexs that much on the explorers :rolleyes:

section525 said:
...JDraper - I imagine you drop the tank because you bolt them in?...

I've bolted 3 pairs in and welded 2 pairs in. Dropped the gas tank for all of 'em. For the bolted in, it's next to impossible to do it without dropping the tank. For the welded in, I like to pull all the lines off the frame rail on the driver's side rear when I weld so I don't fry something with the welder.

Stic-o said:
Just rember they will flex up into the body reguardless. The frame just flexs that much on the explorers :rolleyes:
Yeah, anyone who sees my truck for the first time and tries to stand on them thinks mine will snap off (welded at three places) but I keep telling them that it's the frame flexing down from the body. I saw that Brian1 had some little pieces of steel welded on the back of the slider (directly under the door) and he bolted them to the pinch weld also. I'm gonna cut out a few pieces like that this week and do the same, and it will hopefully get rid of some of the flex.

Well I notched out the pinch weld and got it tucked up dang close. But on my next set, I'm going to make the 2x2 rail come out a little further from the body. Right now it's not a good step. But my truck isn't that high anyways. :D

Here's one of the mounts:


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bmxking5 said:
I saw that Brian1 had some little pieces of steel welded on the back of the slider (directly under the door) and he bolted them to the pinch weld also. I'm gonna cut out a few pieces like that this week and do the same, and it will hopefully get rid of some of the flex.

Yup, those were my old sliders and those tabs worked perfectly fine untill I added my 1" body lift and had to make a bolt on spacer. After that they started chewing up the rockers around the bolt hole. If your sliders mount fairly rigid to the frame then you shouldnt have a problem adding on those little tabs.

Done. What do you think?


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I think you need to move them out at least 3-4" All they will do now is protect the pinch weld. I wouldn't want to see you scratch one of those beautiful doors.

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Jefe said:
I think you need to move them out at least 3-4" All they will do now is protect the pinch weld. I wouldn't want to see you scratch one of those beautiful doors.

So maybe add another 1 3/4" sqaure bar along the side? I guess I was looking at more 'from the bottom' protection' than 'from the side'. How far does yours come out from the body?

Thanks CG!
