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Post number 3327 has been selected as best answered.

I'll be able to order pizzas, or even do the cooking at the very least. I know what a 10 mm ratchet is so that'll help.

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Nitrous? Get up and over the hill

Just for the sake of "save the date", did you have any idea when this might take place?

Just for the sake of "save the date", did you have any idea when this might take place?
Nothing known as of yet. I'm no where near that point yet. It's going to revolve around the engine delivery. I have to figure out the engine build first. I am in no rush either. Once I have everything needed on hand, then a time frame can be roughly figured. I don't even have the TMH's yet, and I'm not doing anything until those are in my hands.

Nothing known as of yet. I'm no where near that point yet. It's going to revolve around the engine delivery. I have to figure out the engine build first. I am in no rush either. Once I have everything needed on hand, then a time frame can be roughly figured. I don't even have the TMH's yet, and I'm not doing anything until those are in my hands.
Sounds good. That actually makes it easier for me to begin collecting funds. Keep us posted on your progress.

Umm.................. Hell's Yeah!! Go vote!

AA parking brake survey.jpg

Atlas Parking Brake Survey

Voted depends on price the t caee is already spendy!!! If they want another $$$$ chunk of change for the driveline brake then most people would just fab it

I do need an atlas t case sooooo bad! Go from zero to hero real quick with that gearing!

Voted depends on price the t caee is already spendy!!! If they want another $$$$ chunk of change for the driveline brake then most people would just fab it

I do need an atlas t case sooooo bad! Go from zero to hero real quick with that gearing!
Everything AA does has been top notch and warrantied. I'm not sure what they are conjuring up for it, and all I can think of is a caliper style on a disc at the rear output. They might be developing a special yolk/flange for it, and brackets for the Case as is. They might be making it, so you can choose your own caliper/shoes for it. That's what I would do, as people are picky on that stuff.

Time will tell!! I voted Yes regardless. 🤘

They are about 21 years late to the party lol. Bolt-on parking brake kits have been available for the Atlas since at least 2003.

I have one, it works so, so. Won't hold on much of a hill. I voted yes hoping that AA's version will be better.

Just throwing thoughts in here

Since Humboldt now has 2 campgrounds, cabins and air bnbs at base camp....

If the black hole could get towed here for a fixing party, it might make things more camper, larger crowd friendly. Fall would be cooler weather.

Just throwing thoughts in here

Since Humboldt now has 2 campgrounds, cabins and air bnbs at base camp....

If the black hole could get towed here for a fixing party, it might make things more camper, larger crowd friendly. Fall would be cooler weather.
That sounds great on paper, but remember when we swapped your engine, over a weekend in the same kind of scenario? Just like you spent time prepping, and getting it ready to be pulled, I would have to do the same, and it needs to be home for that. I greatly appreciate the kind gesture, and thinking about this, but I want to do it at home.

Getting the engine delivered here, and prepped ahead of time, plus all the other details will take time, and slowly done when I am not at work. I still have a full time job with major responsibilities, as a Manager for the company. This is something that will take more time than a few days. I don't even have the exhaust headers delivered yet, let alone the engine ordered. Fall would be the best time for this work I completely agree to that. I can't take the heat like I used to, and work alone is draining me.

Getting the old engine out, and the new one set in, trans stabbed/bolted, Exhaust back on is what I could use some help with. The rest is just a one man time sucker upper, as it all gets slowly figured out. Then there is the fact that the last time this rig went elsewhere for work, and it cost me thousands to transport it back n forth and it was gone for many months, is something I just won't do again. Left a sour taste, ya know?

As soon as I have the TMH's in my hands, I will begin the process, and part of that will be done here asking for guidance and help with my questions. If I don't know something, I will still ask, regardless of how dumb it might be, ie... which oil pan should I get to fit the cross member on the crate engine?

Still nothing from Bob & TMH..... Went back to Radio Silence.

Here is a little mix of my 2 loves in life. My Favorite band and wheeling this beast. 🫶

@Paul Thanks for the spot!! Got a little hairy when I lost sight of you, with a 3 ft wheel lift, and the sun blinding me. 🤣


Still nothing from Bob & TMH..... Went back to Radio Silence.

Here is a little mix of my 2 loves in life. My Favorite band and wheeling this beast. 🫶

@Paul Thanks for the spot!! Got a little hairy when I lost sight of you, with a 3 ft wheel lift, and the sun blinding me. 🤣

Awesome. Nerves of Steel.

Sweet, Awesome Greg.

Welp, after a few years of trying, I finally got Bob to make me a special set of TM Headers for this rig. Sealed the deal with him a couple of weeks ago, and should have them by end of next month. 🥳

Since I am not using this rig at all currently, it means I am going to be yanking this engine out. Since I don't have a builder I know or trust around here, my thinking is to just drop a crate engine in it, and be done with it. Unless I do find someone that can just rebuild this worn out hunk of junk that's in it. 🤷‍♂️

Anybody who wants to come help the old man yank this one, and drop the new on in when the time comes, I have a couple guest rooms, I will keep you fed, and your cup full. I will be posting up questions and such as I go, so useful information to help me along the way is also appreciated.
Ordered the 2nd week of May. Bob got to them a few weeks ago, and was delivered Last Friday, middle of October. 6 month turn around after 5 years of trying, and 3 other sets that wouldn't work. Too late to start a driveway party now tho. Cold rainy season is hitting here, and winter cold right behind it. Looks like I have all winter to get a crate engine ready for Spring install.

I'm glad he finally came through. It would be nice if you could find someone to copy them so the community wouldn't be at his mercy. Only thing is I wouldn't let them out of my sight. lol

I'm glad he finally came through. It would be nice if you could find someone to copy them so the community wouldn't be at his mercy. Only thing is I wouldn't let them out of my sight. lol
He had told me when he was getting to them ( after a few attempts at getting an update), that even tho he had made a bunch of the 3" BL versions, he didn't have a Jig to use for them. I let him know that there was many people in the community that could use these, as many of us have to use the BL kits if we don't SAS or rely on Drop Box kits. He said he would make a jig for these, and be able to make them more often, and would add them to his website.

Did he do it? No Idea. Hell, I haven't even opened the box yet. I will post some pics later when I do.

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In for the "build party" even if pushed to next Spring. . . . Glad you got what you need.

