Truck Haven Fall 2017 - Memorial Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven Fall 2017 - Memorial Run


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Oct 20-22

For those who are unfamiliar, Truck Haven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles located in the Southern California desert, immediately adjacent to Salton City, Ca.

There are trails for everyone, from mild, to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer. You can see the kind of fun we've had during previous events by checking out a Trip Report from a previous run :)

Newcomers are encouraged to join us at Truck Haven since there is such a wide variety of terrain. If you don't like the way something looks just let us know and we can help you find a bypass.

Vehicle damage: There is always a possibility of vehicle damage any time you go offroading. Damage could be to the vehicles body, or mechanical systems.

The group camps in tents, RVs, pop up campers, etc.

There are NO facilities available at Truck Haven.

Camping is primitive
with no water, toilets or showers available.
If you have a porta potty bring it. A 5 gallon bucket with a plastic bag will work well :D

Bring everything you will need. We normally have lunch on the trail at least one day.

Firewood We ask everyone to bring firewood to add to our traditional BIG campfire. If you can't bring any don't worry about it, but the more we have, the warmer the fire:D

Bring your own cooking supplies. If you don't have any you should be able to share someone else's grill.

Check for our upcoming Pot Luck Dinner thread. It has become a tradition to bring a favorite dish to share for our Saturday night meal. This has worked out GREAT in the past.

There is a large convenience store/gas station and a couple of restaurants in Salton City which is about 10 minutes from base camp.

Weather conditions in October usually consist of warm days and cool to cold nights, rain could be present. High winds, and driving dust storms are always possible. Come prepared!


Bring Firewood!!

Rick & Char
RJ (Sat)
JW (maybe)

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I have to check, but I think I have something planned that weekend.

I can't the weekend of the 22nd

Planning on it!


The dates of Oct 20-22 have been suggested. Will this work for most everyone?

For those who are unfamiliar, Truck Haven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles located in the Southern California desert, immediately adjacent to Salton City, Ca.

There are trails for everyone, from mild, to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer. You can see the kind of fun we've had during previous events by checking out a Trip Report from a previous run :)

Newcomers are encouraged to join us at Truck Haven since there is such a wide variety of terrain. If you don't like the way something looks just let us know and we can help you find a bypass.

Vehicle damage: There is always a possibility of vehicle damage any time you go offroading. Damage could be to the vehicles body, or mechanical systems.

The group camps in tents, RVs, pop up campers, etc.

There are NO facilities available at Truck Haven.

Camping is primitive
with no water, toilets or showers available.
If you have a porta potty bring it. A 5 gallon bucket with a plastic bag will work well :D

Bring everything you will need. We normally have lunch on the trail at least one day.

Firewood We ask everyone to bring firewood to add to our traditional BIG campfire. If you can't bring any don't worry about it, but the more we have, the warmer the fire:D

Bring your own cooking supplies. If you don't have any you should be able to share someone else's grill.

Check for our upcoming Pot Luck Dinner thread. It has become a tradition to bring a favorite dish to share for our Saturday night meal. This has worked out GREAT in the past.

There is a large convenience store/gas station and a couple of restaurants in Salton City which is about 10 minutes from base camp.

Weather conditions in October usually consist of warm days and cool to cold nights, rain could be present. High winds, and driving dust storms are always possible. Come prepared! View attachment 97648 View attachment 97649 View attachment 97652 View attachment 97653
View attachment 97654

Bring Firewood!!

Rick & Char
Rock Ranger (Maybe)

We are hoping to place Shadow's puppies before Oct!! Otherwise it will be madness and mayhem!


Hmm, this run is called a Memorial Run in the title, but I don't see any mention of what that means. Pretty sure I know, but maybe a little more info is called for? :salute:

Hmm, this run is called a Memorial Run in the title, but I don't see any mention of what that means. Pretty sure I know, but maybe a little more info is called for? :salute:

It was the John Rock Memorial Run, now that Ted passed this year, another Truck Haven regular, I just felt it was best to combine into one memorial run for all of our friends who have passed on. As time goes on there won't be enough events to honor everyone individually :(

It was the John Rock Memorial Run, now that Ted passed this year, another Truck Haven regular, I just felt it was best to combine into one memorial run for all of our friends who have passed on. As time goes on there won't be enough events to honor everyone individually :(

Like my pop's always said; "Getting old ain't for sissies."

I have a bottle of rum that Ted left in my RV for "next time". We could use it to have a toast around the campfire. If you don't drink, you can toss it in the fire.

BKennedy said:
I have a bottle of rum that Ted left in my RV for "next time". We could use it to have a toast around the campfire. If you don't drink, you can toss it in the fire.

For this I'll do a shot.

It was the John Rock Memorial Run, now that Ted passed this year, another Truck Haven regular, I just felt it was best to combine into one memorial run for all of our friends who have passed on. As time goes on there won't be enough events to honor everyone individually :(

What what what! Ted passed? wow. I didn't know. Really glad I was able to meet up with him in February.

Really wish i could go. Maybe i can come by for a day.

Kid friendly? (age 8 - boy who loves camping)

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