2022 Return to TruckHaven / Oct-Nov timeline. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2022 Return to TruckHaven / Oct-Nov timeline.


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
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City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
It's been way too long and it would be nice to see some old faces and meet some new ones.

Let's get a Return to TruckHaven trip planned for October or November of this year (2022)

If we plan enough ahead there's no excuse not to be able to make it.

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I'd like to, but its a dang long drive. Probably won't even have the exploder by then, may have a ranger though, could join in that if things play out. Keep ya posted when we get closer, but I'd love the chance to go.

I'm thinking Columbus day weekend, which is October 7th -10th. Fri-Mon. It may still be a little warm out there, but it should be starting to cool off. Unless we want to push it to later.


I'm waiting and seeing what the price of diesel is in that timeframe. and if I did show up, I'm going to take a week or two off from work..

Yeah, I'd have to take a while off work too, since I'm on the completely opposite side of the US for that. Gas is going to be expensive enough too, especially now that I drive a full size truck. Although saying that, currently think it makes better mileage than the exploder was, currently around 16 mpg, while the exploder was getting about 14mpg. We'll see, truck has some issues that need to be dealt with before any sort of long drives, already took one (only an hour and a half one way) and broke a brake line, so, let me be sure its safe, then I'll see about going. May even have a 6" lift and 35s (hopefully 37s) on by that time. But I have to have funds to afford going and staying out there at least for a bit, which I'll be lucky to have by then.

Later the better in my case at least thanks to funding and repairs, but whatever works for everyone else is fine. If I can't go, I can't go, always next time. But I'd love to get out there and meet all of ya in person! But as said, its about a 41 hour drive for me, so, not sure Lilith (my new C1500) and I will be making that kind of drive any time soon...

Yeah, I'd have to take a while off work too, since I'm on the completely opposite side of the US for that. Gas is going to be expensive enough too, especially now that I drive a full size truck. Although saying that, currently think it makes better mileage than the exploder was, currently around 16 mpg, while the exploder was getting about 14mpg. We'll see, truck has some issues that need to be dealt with before any sort of long drives, already took one (only an hour and a half one way) and broke a brake line, so, let me be sure its safe, then I'll see about going. May even have a 6" lift and 35s (hopefully 37s) on by that time. But I have to have funds to afford going and staying out there at least for a bit, which I'll be lucky to have by then.

Later the better in my case at least thanks to funding and repairs, but whatever works for everyone else is fine. If I can't go, I can't go, always next time. But I'd love to get out there and meet all of ya in person! But as said, its about a 41 hour drive for me, so, not sure Lilith (my new C1500) and I will be making that kind of drive any time soon...

Whatever you're gas is there now will still be cheaper than, here. We're heading towards $7 a gallon here. ☹️

Whatever you're gas is there now will still be cheaper than, here. We're heading towards $7 a gallon here. ☹️
OH JEEZ....Sorry to hear that...I was cringing at paying $4.64 the other day...not to be political, but can we get Trump back in office already? Gas was lower than ever with him, hell, we almost went under a dollar!!! Now look at us! $5 and rising!!!! Unacceptable!!

Gas is coming down... looking forward to this.... anyone else?

It looks like Truck Haven is being hammered by rain. It will be good to clean things out and change some trails.
If I'm going I need all new tires for my trailer :( It's been sitting too long and they're shot. I just bought the last three tires for the Ram before I went to Tucson last month. One of the sidewalls on the Ram split right before I left. When I got to Tucson a valve stem broke on another wheel. :banghead: Expensive!

OH JEEZ....Sorry to hear that...I was cringing at paying $4.64 the other day...not to be political, but can we get Trump back in office already? Gas was lower than ever with him, hell, we almost went under a dollar!!! Now look at us! $5 and rising!!!! Unacceptable!!
Maybe something to do with closed pipelines? Gas went down here to $3.29. Will see if it stays there. Longest trip I'm planning is 400 round trip to a wedding hopefully.

Maybe something to do with closed pipelines? Gas went down here to $3.29. Will see if it stays there. Longest trip I'm planning is 400 round trip to a wedding hopefully.
Yeah, it's come back down, paid $3.39 just yesterday. Hopefully along your trip, it's all decently low for ya! Hope ya have fun, and congrats to whoever its for!

sounds like its going to be a blast. take plenty of pics for the folks that provavly csnt make columbus weekend ☹️

So I'm proposing Veterans Day weekend, which is Nov. 11-13.


Thinking about it. Waiting to see if diesel drops anymore..

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