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Section525 - SAS D44 - Page 2 (Finishing... maybe)

The other thread was a little too long and a little too old. :( So this is where you can keep up and give great input and advice so we can all get this project out on the trail as soon as humanly possible. :)

So today I had some time and motivation to get out into the shop. Here is what was accomplished.


Bend up some new taller hoops. These will give me more room to grow. They'll also allow my new bling Ballistic Fab shock tabs to angle down giving tons of clearance to the shocks. I also have some BF lower shock mounts which weld to the c's. They're an inch or so higher than my current mounts.


The Pro-Tools notcher. Super bad. Now I keep my retarded cut-off wheel notches out of the build. :confused:


Way better notch than I could ever do.


Pretty high. Looks like I'll have to have a yard sale to get rid of the items that used to be there.


Hugh hoops! It'll all make sense when you see the other side. I'm clearing my FJ60 steering box over there.


Tabs and shock in. Lookin' good.


Both sides. It's as done as it's ever been! :p:


And this is where I left off. I cut the engine brace shorter than I wanted to. I'm a total newb at this bending stuff. So I'll have to wait until Monday at the earliest to pick up some more 1.5".

But I do have about 30' of 1.75" laying around. We'll see what the motivation level is like tomorrow. Maybe I'll start some bumpers! :D

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Negs. Job interview today. I got all prettied up.

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I wasn't planning on the truck being this desolate, but it looks like I may need to abandon it for another weekend. I have a very important bachelor party to attend and then I have to do some fire prevention mowing at the in-laws.

But, if all the stars align, I may be able to get a late Sunday afternoon brake line party going on.

And Stic, still no word on the interview I went to. :)

Man, this thread sure is desolate w/o any progress pics....
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Sorry IZ, but I've been web-working on the web-wheeler. Check out these tabs for the shocks/engine brace (with heims).



Ill take 2 sets. :)

The passenger side of the engine compartment looks pretty desolate with all the shiz you had to remove.

The driver's side is equally as empty. It'll take a little effort to get the air intake and battery back under there, but I should have plenty of room for other cool stuff like the ARB compressor and maybe a mini fridge.

Sorry IZ, but I've been web-working on the web-wheeler. Check out these tabs for the shocks/engine brace (with heims).

That's a smashing idea, superb, superb!
You might consider increasing the thickness of the section between where it welds to the hoop and the shock hole. Cauz you don't want that cracking on you especially if your thinking of going coilovers or air shocks later.
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45yr old ex-pron star laying down FTW!!1!

I LOL-ed, couldnt stop LOL-ing.

Don't worry, its amazing what cosmetic surgeons/fabricators can fix nowadays. you will be symmetrical in no time!

I LOL-ed, couldnt stop LOL-ing.
7 years on this damn forum and i finally made someone LOL.

I feel complete.

Oh wait, you were lawling at his pic and not my comment. Gdamblank blank la blank blank.


Still LOL-ing.

Whaaaaat? I worked on this thing?? No way.

[#1] So the Explorer needs to be smogged by sometime in October. I guess that lit a little fire under my behind. I got revsion 3 shock hoops 100% done and mounted. Both sides. We started out the day driving it down the road to my buddy's shop to measure for the shocks.

[#2] Bought a new portanband which is badass!! :cool:

[#3] Rev 3 shock hoops. These are much narrower than the previous two versions. They allow a ton more room for things like the battery and air filter. :p:

[#4] This is what you get at full droop.


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And where I left off. Alignment and smog this week. Mount the ARB compressor too. I'm getting there...


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Good stuff - dont forget, Truckhaven is in less than two months!

...I am curious as to where you plan on mounting the compressor...:popcorn:

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Where the old ABS unit was. Between the M/C and battery.
