George Washington Nation Forest Run, 9/24/11 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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George Washington Nation Forest Run, 9/24/11

If I am along we have permission to wheel on Spikes land. But I am pretty sure he will be there. When we schedule this kind of trip he and I make the commitment to go, because past trips have frequently fallen through, or else it is just us. Usually a bunch of people say they are going and then they back out. JD knows what I am talking about with his OBX trip.

There is only one detour that may break parts. It is narrow, with numerous 12-18-inch barriers. Last time everybody with 3s and traction devices (front and rear) made it without unhooking sway bars and any breakage. You can still break stuff if you choose the wrong line and use too much go peddle.

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If I am along we have permission to wheel on Spikes land. But I am pretty sure he will be there. When we schedule this kind of trip he and I make the commitment to go, because past trips have frequently fallen through, or else it is just us. Usually a bunch of people say they are going and then they back out. JD knows what I am talking about with his OBX trip.

There is only one detour that may break parts. It is narrow, with numerous 12-18-inch barriers. Last time everybody with 3s and traction devices (front and rear) made it without unhooking sway bars and any breakage. You can still break stuff if you choose the wrong line and use too much go peddle.

:thumbsup: I'm ordering my new mud tires today now that the cash crunch is behind me...
I can't friggin wait!
Since Im only limited slip I may in hook sway bars...

:thumbsup: I'm ordering my new mud tires today now that the cash crunch is behind me...
I can't friggin wait!
Since Im only limited slip I may in hook sway bars...

And me for some ujoints and manual hubs! !what size did you get?

:thumbsup: I'm ordering my new mud tires today now that the cash crunch is behind me...
I can't friggin wait!
Since Im only limited slip I may in hook sway bars...

Im bringing my battery impact gun and tools so ill be unhooking mine at the camp site;)

me three on 5 u-joints (3 d35, 2 f&r driveshaft) all around, 4 ball joints and 2 tie rods :D
thanks will :)

I wish I had a 72 bronco I sold in less than two hours got 1250 already spent 389 on wifes tires and 597 on tires for x still have to mount and balance good thing my buddy has a tire change machine
still need to get a windshield for my Taurus and return it to dd status....

Ha that's what I was leaning towards doing I may leave my cordless impact if its not going to be needed
I got treadwright guard dogs(wrangler mtr) in a 265/75-16
Says they're 32.2 x 10.5

That's a great price...looks like those tires have gotten great reviews across the board too. I was a little suspicious of that brand at first being retreads, but after reading up on them a bit I am interested to see what your experience is.

well $573 GONE!!!!!just ordered my yukon 4.88s,install kit and my aussie locker!!! ;)))

That's a great price...looks like those tires have gotten great reviews across the board too. I was a little suspicious of that brand at first being retreads, but after reading up on them a bit I am interested to see what your experience is.

yeah i wasnt interested at first but like you say ive read hours of reviews and have only found three negitive(all three were handled no hesitation).... thats hugher satisfacttion than most any company out there im interested to try them especially if i pop one off road... 109 a pop
ALSO treadwright is DOT approved and 50 state legal!!!
Sidewalls will be well broken in for our trip even if i mount the day before
they make them for 70% less material as a new tire and reuse a great casing instead of sending it to a landfill....

Nice! :thumbsup: I need to learn how to do that myself sometime.

Maybe I'll practice on my stock axles that I took out ;)
it looks so easy but isnt...Axles scare me, i dont like to mess with axles or transmissions everything else ill fix or modify lol

slide $115 my way :)

if this crap i have dont sell i wont be able to finish the lift..

What else do you need?

Just went camping (Little Run Campsite) in GWF. Peters Mill was the only trail open to full size vehicles, because a culvert was washed out on Taskers Gap.

I'm up for meeting up on Saturday Morning at your campsite and wheeling for the day. I'm assuming you all will be in the same area (Edinburg, VA).


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Well my "smart" self just looked at a map. Your plans are another hour south on 81. I will have to recalculate that weekend!
