Truckhaven! October 25th-26th | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven! October 25th-26th

Bring her along, Joe. I have a birthing kit in my EMT bag that is at least 17 years old, I am sure its still good

As long as it has a plunging device we are good. this subject is closed.

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Hey evil, there have been SD's out on the trails before. :D

Thanks, Colin. I couldn't bear to do that to "the sweet unit" and trust me, Danny's been pressuring me to do something with the Exploder. He started out with "How about a shackle lift and 33's?" :eek:

...DB_1, Great video and I also posted it in the Rangers show off your truck thread..:thumbsup:

...and btw, it's PCola's birthday today...:chug:

...DB_1, Great video and I also posted it in the Rangers show off your truck thread..:thumbsup:

...and btw, it's PCola's birthday today...:chug:

Thanks tbars4;) I just realized I misspelled PCola's screen name in the video... should be PCola and not PJCola. Must have been CJ Hill throwin' me off:p:
Anyways sorry for the mix up and happy b-day PCola:salute:

Nice Video Dave, it got me looking forward to the next run! :D

crap. i gotta start workin on the navajo again. still sitting with no rear shocks and broken front axle :( (why are 1-3/16" full snap rings so hard to find?)

crap. i gotta start workin on the navajo again. still sitting with no rear shocks and broken front axle :( (why are 1-3/16" full snap rings so hard to find?)

Wht don't you just put 44 or 50 under that thing:p:

as in dana 44/50? dana 44 will go under her eventually ;)

My dad has been talking about parting out his '80 F250, with a d50 up front;)

My dad has been talking about parting out his '80 F250, with a d50 up front;)

i said d44, and i didn't say straight axle either :D

So, is it bad when you take off a shock and it doesn't extend on its own like a new one does?:scratch::dunno:

Got a lot of stuff done today in prep for the wheelin' season today:
All 4 shocks replaced on the SD, and 2 new ones put on the rear of the Ranger:biggthump. Still need to do something about the steering linkage (on both:rolleyes:) though

So, is it bad when you take off a shock and it doesn't extend on its own like a new one does?:scratch::dunno:

its bad if they're nitro charged. nitro shocks extend on their own but non gas charged shocks (such as procomp es 3000) don't extend on their own

i said d44, and i didn't say straight axle either :D

I did't either!:p: the D50 is 8 lug, independent TTB with leafs;)

I did't either!:p: the D50 is 8 lug, independent TTB with leafs;)

aww nice, big d50 ttb with full internal snap rings.

(i would think the 44 would be easier to find gears and parts back to that truck haven discussion)

Anybody know how to fix a stuck ignition switch? It seems that I can't start the Ranger anymore:mad:. Key slides in, but doesn't turn.:fire::scratch:

...Try hard cranking of the steering wheel to one side...:scratch:

..Sometimes when I have turned to the left and shut off the truck, the steering wheel (after I shut the truck off) will turn to the right to lock...When I get back in I put the key in and the same thing as you have, happens..I need to hard crank the wheel left to disengage enough to turn the key..:dunno:

..Replacing this switch will resolve some of this problem after you get it unstuck..:D

Nope, steering wheel wasn't locked and the tires were facing straight. Ignition switch seems just frozen.

pull your superduty keys out of the ignition and put the ranger keys in. just kidding, but I had a sticky ignition like that before Moab and I snapped a key off. Some suggest spraying that graphite (or is it grafite) powder in the tumbler.

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Tempted to just cut it out and give it a push button start.
