Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS

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Well since I have the axle in-hand finally... I guess I can start my thread.

I bought this axle about a month ago from a guy in OR and finally made it around to picking it up yesterday. I watched as he actually took the axle out from under the truck. It's pretty clean.

1983 Jeep Wagoneer LP D44

The plans:
Rubicon Express leaf springs (unless someone suggests otherwise)

Then SOA the rear, add a locker, and 5x4.5 to 6x5.5 adapters (I heard they make them). So far I am thinking about going 35/36s BFGs or IROKs.

So.... any suggestions?


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Sweet, I'm lovin' all these new progress pics!

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That pic is funny with the torch being fired up and the dog looking at the tennis ball he wants so bad.

Coming along good section :thumbsup:

Stic-O owes me a 12 pack! :p

It's on it's own now. I might just roll it out of the garage and film it for you. :p


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Sweet! Keep the pics coming. It's looking good.

Edit: I see you posted as I was writing this.

For shackle angle you just had the hanger placed so it was pretty much vertical without weight on the car and once it's on it's own it goes to where it should be right? Or was it a little more involved for finding the placement of the hanger.

Needs a lot of work still (aside from the steering). I definitely need spacers for the hi-steer arms, and these leafs are not cutting it. They're already in a sweet "S" shape for "Sextion"


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I need spring recommendations.

Con Seann3ry said:
For shackle angle you just had the hanger placed so it was pretty much vertical without weight on the car and once it's on it's own it goes to where it should be right? Or was it a little more involved for finding the placement of the hanger.

It was pretty much that. We knew these springs would become nearly flat, but not as flat as they are now! :eek:

I think if I get new springs under there the shackle angle will be a little better.

Wagoneer 7 packs have worked for other people. That's what I plan on running for my sas.

Might as well SOA tonight. :p


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so a couple hours later........did you finish the soa?

Yes. Pics in a few. Don't go to sleep.

don't ya just love it when a plan comes together ;)

lookin good :thumbsup:

l8r, John :cool:

Here it is. All rolled out of the garage. :D

The front will end up about an inch or so higher once some new springs go in. Everything else is pretty dope. :cool:


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Of course we'll get some daytime ones in the morning.

How far forward did you move the front axle. :eek:

Way to show Stic-o how its done. :chug: :D

4" exactly. Just measured off the Mountaineer. :D I have the option to bring it back another 1" or so.

Jefe said:
How far forward did you move the front axle. :eek:
And were you able to use the stock front driveshaft?

My front driveshaft was too short as it was. Since I had the AA adapter, it moved everything 5" backwards. Plus, because of that I will have to build a new transmission crossmember to go above the d-shaft before I would even bolt something in.

Don't mind the freaky pic. It was a 4 second exposure. :D


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:eek: WTF! Alright who is the photoshop man here? I demand awnsers :mad:

Go back and clean up those crapy cuts on the frame you slacker! :p

Are you planing to have it done this weekend?

Yeah yeah, you'll beat me, blah blah blah. you just wait till you see mine on the ramp ;) Whenever I finish :(

My axle will be 3"-4" forward

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