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My 91 ex registry

Small world. I was with the 58th CEC 11th ACR out of Ft. Irwin. We deployed attached to 2nd BDE 10th Mtn division. I meet some good people from Ft Drum. Lost some good people to. Well, we're gonna have to wheel together sometime.

If I ever get a 4wd version, and then go out west.

I'm 2wd, broke engine, broke wallet, and in Oklahoma.... hahaha

I have my eyes on a 1st gen 4x4 stick shift just down the road from me. The dude works out of town, and it needs a lot of work just to be legal, (fix manual hubs, replace busted drag link, replace wrecked grille, headlight, left fender, and of course no tires/ wheels) All this is what can be seen with a 5 minute look, there's no telling what other issues there are. Owner parked it cause he wrecked it while drunk according to his brother.

However, if the price is right I'm up for a challenge.

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Had a awesome time on the trail yesterday... I didn't get many pictures but will try to post what I can find. I kept paces with the Heeps all day long!


Rock - I finally found the time and saved the money to get the 5.13's, sliders, front diff guard and the ARB installed. I have three trips on the gears. I can't believe I waited so long to do them. Gears make a world of difference on the trail. The sliders and front diff guard have given me a dangerous sense of confidence. I love taking the harder lines and dragging Dora (my buddies call her that), where ever I want to. I can't wait to get the ARB working. Hopefully next month. Now I'm saving for a doubler again. Hopefully this time something won't come up and I'll be able to buy it.

Glad you finally got that locker and gears installed. They worked great for me for many years. You don't need a ARB compressor, just need any good quality compressor and a regulator to keep the pressure to the ARB under 90 PSI. I have a Puma like this that I haven't gotten around to taking apart and installing where the spare used to sit. It would work great, give you much more air, and save you some money compared to an ARB.

Well, I had a great day wheeling yesterday. Finally have some gears and can crawl at a decent pace. The suspension is working well and the alignment is actually pretty good. All these issues taken care of and then...... on the way home.... I lose oil pressure, smoke starts coming from the engine bay and I'm ten minutes from the nearest mountain community on tiny mountain roads. I get to a parking lot and oil dumps from the engine bay. I open the hood and everything is covered in oil. I check to see if there is any oil left in the oil pan, negative. Its empty! Good thing is the engine never got hot and there were no noises. Like I said, I had a great day of wheeling yesterday. Now comes the hard part.... coming up with the money to fix it!

I was digging through my pic's on the computer. I can't believe I found this picture. This is the first time I ever wheeled Dora! 2" Skyjacker lift coils, aal's and pep boys brand 31" MT's.


Sorry its so small. Thats back before I had a iPhone.

She's come a looong way!


I always thought this was a cool picture.


And this one....


Here she is a little flexed out...


This was with the front sway bar still installed. Not bad.

This is me and my buddy Mike in his CJ5 at the top of Bald Mtn trail in Shaver Lake California.


This was my first trip up after getting the lift installed.


Notice no dents, broken mirrors or windows and no rock rash on the rockers. All the windows rolled up and down on their own too!

Ok.... the wife says I need to do something other than stare at old pictures of my truck all day. Well, thats my walk down memory lane for now.

Have you run the Swamp trail yet? That is my favorite trail up there. We need to plan another run up there sometime, great trails and mountains.

I haven't run that trail yet. I may try to get a run in before it closes this year though. I love the trails up there. You could do a week up there and run a different trail everyday.
