Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006

I was going to say, either you or Jefe were in it because of the Dr. Pepper can on the ground! :D

Kind of like this picture from the rubicon earlier this year. I Really need a 3rd arm. Its to hard to spot, take photos, and hold a dr pepper at the same. Plus the Dr pepper always ends up getting kicked over at some point.


  • rubicon2005 040a.jpg
    rubicon2005 040a.jpg
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In that case you need to buy the beer hat so you can have 2 cans of Dr Pepper. All you have to do is add a chin strap so you can be upside down to keep the hat on. Better yet.. Setup a camelback system :thumbsup:

Will have to get Matt and Jefe one of these. of corse with a chin strap :D


Well as long as I can hitch a lift for me and the rig with Section, I am in as of now. Wow I have sooo much to do this January when I get back up to Chico. I have been collecting parts down here in OC, as well as ordering. Bought some bumpstop cans for my hydro bumps going in the rear, some snazzy mounts for the rear glass I am ordering when I get back, hopefully picking up some Kings for the rear, just ordering a manual t-case to install quickly and fab up some linkage, gotta fab a rear crossmember for the shocks in the rear and mount bumps and straps, ahhhhm get a reg/bottle setup for my welder when I get back etc etc etc. :confused:

I'm not taling about flipping going fast, or rolling a couple times over but like Jefe and DB_1 did.
I don't know if you remember, but DB's roll was not too fun. He did some MAJOR DAMAGE to his rig. But it did get him started on making it into a trail rig.

This one isn't my daily driver.

Its funny how your view changes when you can say this. I am in the same position now. When I finally beat the body into submission then I will probably be going to alot tubing.

I cant wait for my view to change. I had a daily, then I rolled IT!!

hahaha yes I do things backwards.

RockRanger said:
Its funny how your view changes when you can say this. I am in the same position now. When I finally beat the body into submission then I will probably be going to alot tubing.
Ah yes, the dreams I have for the not-to-distant future :cool:

Come on California and Arizona... I know we can do better than this:

1. Rick & Char - plaque - 4
2. Colin Ignacio - Froader - plaque - 4
3. Jeff Glancy - Jefe - plaque - 4
4. John Glancy - Brother of Jefe - plaque - 4
5. John Whitaker - Section525 - plaque - 3
6. Brian Kennedy - bkennedy - 4
7. Bill Collins - RangerX - 4
8. Stephen Boggs - Stic-o - 3
9. Joe - jobunn - 3
10. Matt Dresselhaus - rockranger - plaque - 4
11. Brian Wooten - Gopher - plaque - 2
12. Tom Davis - tdavis - 10.2
13. Michael Bouknight - Michael - 4
14. Oscar Alvarez - cobra - plaque - 2
15. David Barry - DB_1 - Plaque - 4
16. Tom Rios - Fakrwee - Plaque - 4

Ray Lobato... where are ya?? Are we ever going to wheel with you again :(

Stockers... if you want to wheel come on out and join us, we have STOCKER runs both days that you will be challenged by and enjoy!

If you don't want to wheel, at least come out for the campfires....we have real good campfires :p :eek: :D

IN , .....Again :D

Maybe i should make a recruitment video....god knows I have enough t-haven video :rolleyes:

Stic-o said:
IN , .....Again :D

Maybe i should make a recruitment video....god knows I have enough t-haven video :rolleyes:
Thats it???? Lets hear the story you used to get back "IN" again. Maybe I can use it sometime.

BKennedy said:
Thats it???? Lets hear the story you used to get back "IN" again. Maybe I can use it sometime.

My wife, said she understood how important it was, and her cousin always shows up with out her husband. So she said she pull the same thing ;) Still no invite yet anyway :rolleyes:

Stic-o said:
My wife, said she understood how important it was, and her cousin always shows up with out her husband. So she said she pull the same thing ;) Still no invite yet anyway :rolleyes:
Maybe they have been reading up on this thread and will NEVER INTIVE YOU TO ANYTHING AGAIN!!!! Might be a good thing, if you're wife has relatives like mine... :p

Rick said:
Ray Lobato... where are ya?? Are we ever going to wheel with you again :(

Oh sure, single me out, make me feel guilty and all. :(

Let me see if I can swing this. I'll let you know in 2 weeks.


I think we need to see a photo of you, on a trail, in front of your Explorer, holding a copy of today's newspaper.


Rick said:

Holly **** did you guys burn that thing? :eek:

and stic-o I am glad she finally came around ;)

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