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Photos Moab 2006 Photos

Cool vids Tom. :thumbsup:

Poor Zack and his Moab moments. :D
First with his dad:


Then with his uncle:

Zack's a tough munchkin, man... I love this shot with Jefe's Explorer behind him- it looks like he's got the family monster watching his back ;)

Patrick's a tough nut too- I had a blast playing paper football with him and Marshall at the Brewery Sunday night... even if he was kicking my @$$ :p Wish I could've gotten to see him driving his Dad's purple people eater!

You guys have some kewl kids! :thumbsup:

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BKennedy said:
I think I blew an eardrum!

Eh? Turn it up, I couldn't hear it up here in Northern California...

tdavis said:
Eh? Turn it up, I couldn't hear it up here in Northern California...
Yeah, but now I keep waiting for the introductions and the trail ride to start......and I have to go to court in a few hours on my one day off so I can't go find a dirt road anywhere today and get it out of my system.
And you heard it, you just thought it was a jet passing overhead... :p

BKennedy said:
Yeah, but now I keep waiting for the introductions and the trail ride to start......and I have to go to court in a few hours on my one day off so I can't go find a dirt road anywhere today and get it out of my system.
And you heard it, you just thought it was a jet passing overhead... :p

Just remember Brian,

"It's the Dirt" :D

Tom, or any body else get a vid of Marshal and I sliding backwards :eek: down Hummer Hill?

AspenX said:
Tom, or any body else get a vid of Marshal and I sliding backwards :eek: down Hummer Hill?
I hope so! That was funny listening to you guys on the way down... :p

AspenX said:
Tom, or any body else get a vid of Marshal and I sliding backwards :eek: down Hummer Hill?

Yes I got it. But still haven't taken the time to figure out how to digitize it.

Jefe, I've gotten lots of wind noise before and had to rearrange the doors to remove it. It happened to me even though I sustained no body damage. I think it can happen just as a result of severe body flex without having to actually hit the doors.

dtl 2k2 sport, someone came from Canada but I cannot remember what part of Canada, so I don't know if I drove the farthest. I think my roundtrip was a little over 4,200 miles though, that's pretty far even if it wasn't the farthest :)

Well I have only just now caught time to sit awhile in front of the computer. After returning home, I had to go right back out and drive again - being Ashli's and my second anniversary we drove down to Savanna and spent last weekend there and just returned. The return from Moab was uneventful and the tranny made it and is now in the shop. Hopefully I'll get Herc back by Thursday. The first night in Moab I had commented to Rick about how the Flat Iron Mesa trail has almost become a curse to me; I've wanted to run it for years and never get around to it, but now that we scheduled it for the event I'd surely make it. Spoke too soon huh :rolleyes:

It was hard to quit on Golden Spike but I knew better than to try to continue on with a tranny that was acting up so I know I made the right choice even though it drove me nuts to turn around. The weekend seemed to go real well and everyone got a bit of adventure in one way or another and no one got hurt :thumbsup: Thanks to Rick and Char and to all of those who took the trouble to attend and run with us - it was great to see everyone again after all this time and meet a couple of new faces too. Hopefully Ashli's schedule will work out next year and we'll both see you all again then :)

AspenX said:
Tom, or any body else get a vid of Marshal and I sliding backwards :eek: down Hummer Hill?

Nope, you guys was too fast and didn't wait for Jefe to get around to the top.

Gerrald I was 1.5 hours from Moab when I stopped, spent the night at a friends house in Grand Junction, then made the decision to nurse the truck back home...I was about ready to drive teh BII right into the colorado river, but she and I came to an understanding on that 6 hour treck home (usually takes 3.5). Next year she will have a cage and a radiator that doesnt leak, so I can live with that.

The kicker is the radiator has mysteriously fixed itself and is back to only leaking a few drops a week....go figure that one out....the system has two cans total of BG coolant stop leak, the second can apparently started working the day after I got home.
I am not spending another $500 for a custom aluminum radiator that may have this same problem again, instead I am chopping out the sheet metal when I do my cage (engine cage + coilovers), I plan to run a 4.0L OHV HO radiator so replacement is cheap and easy......

Loving all the pics and video fellas, keep it coming!

So just be thankful you made it there and got to wheel a bit, and then made it home. I am thankful I made it home, at least. It was killing me to know I missed this run and I knew Tom would hit me with that "web wheeler" comment because well since I went 5.0L it's friggin true! hahahaha I guess I take 2 years off, but then when she hits the trails next, LOOK OUT, I am thinking 37's, chopped, cage and still heated seats :)

Cool vids Tom. :thumbsup:

Poor Zack and his Moab moments. :D
First with his dad:

Then with his uncle:
He was also in my truck for Escalator

At Truckhaven the kids are our good luck charms. Both John and my :roll: we didn't have any kids. They were in my truck when John rolled, and then they got in the Jeep and I rolled. At Moab I'm not so sure they are good luck, or maybe they are and thats how we've been so fortunate with the positions we've been in. :confused:

Spas said:
Zack's a tough munchkin, man... I love this shot with Jefe's Explorer behind him- it looks like he's got the family monster watching his back ;)
That IS a great shot :thumbsup:

Okay, here is the highlight pictures of our trip (143 pictures). The wife took most of these and I have over 2,000 total. The first couple are of the Grand Canyon, the rest are Moab area.

Rick, can you post this with the rest of them?

Great pics Brian!

This guy (I forgot his name :rolleyes: ) was a great driver! With only 31's he got out & checked for the best line, then hit it! :D He made it over as much stuff as I did with 35's


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CG said:
Great pics Brian!

This guy (I forgot his name :rolleyes: ) was a great driver! With only 31's he got out & checked for the best line, then hit it! :D He made it over as much stuff as I did with 35's
Mike is his name.

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Daaang. Does that happen when you unbolt the sway bar?
