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Truckhaven! October 25th-26th



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Friday night or Saturday morning for Tracy and I rocking the cj7. It will depend on how late we get home.

Matt, when you get that PSD you can get a bigger trailer. then you can take the Ranger and the CJ:D

Remember.. bring lights :) The nights are gonna be dark.. no moon until after 3:00 am.. and its only a 10% moon..

Should make for some interesting night runs..


Friday night or Saturday morning for Tracy and I rocking the cj7. It will depend on how late we get home.
Sweet! We haven't seen you two since you got hitched.

Toyhauler Then that evil 4 letter W word will not be such a big deal.

Yeah that will not work for the two. They don't make them much longer then 18' on the inside, and about max 5k lbs rating. Flatbed and Truck Camper my friend:thumbsup:;) That what Dave and I were discussing.


Something like this would be my plan. Not all the luxuries of a toy hauler, but this would double as my 2 car garage parked next to my house. You can get this setup as a bumper pull as well that would hold 2 trucks but you would be cutting it close on weight limits. A great option for you guys who live 80 miles from Truckhaven, not so much fun to tow the 250 miles from here.

I'm thinking this...about 1000lbs dry;)


I'm thinking this...about 1000lbs dry;)

If it doesn't have a shower, a toilet, a stove and a sink, you might as well keep the tent. That was my criteria when I got the pop-up trailer that now belongs to Brother of Jefe. With that four-door pickup of yours, that would be one tiny camper. I like Danny's idea, but I don't think you Dad has any more room at his place to store your stuff...;):p::rolleyes::cool::confused::eek::D

Toyhauler Then that evil 4 letter W word will not be such a big deal.
If you used it to travel in for work, you could write the whole thing off too.

...If work don't pick up this week, I may not be going. It's to close to the first of the month and I need to take care of business..:(

...I will update late thursday as I plan on leaving Friday a.m. if possible...

If it doesn't have a shower, a toilet, a stove and a sink, you might as well keep the tent. That was my criteria when I got the pop-up trailer that now belongs to Brother of Jefe. With that four-door pickup of yours, that would be one tiny camper. I like Danny's idea, but I don't think you Dad has any more room at his place to store your stuff...;):p::rolleyes::cool::confused::eek::D

I agree...But I think anything with a shower is pushing my weight limits. I think as long as a porta potty is there it's fine. I've been looking at the Lance 825's Still tryin to figure out how to talk the wife into it:rolleyes:


One by me...

Also found a '87 short bed model for $1000 bucks on craigslist;)

Ohhh and camper would sit on my trailer when not in use, so storage is not a issue ;)

If it doesn't have a shower, a toilet, a stove and a sink, you might as well keep the tent.

But something with solid sides can handle this better than a tent.. This is one of the 2007 trips where the big Double Ya reared its head..



  • sm-truckhaven-double-ya.JPG
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But something with solid sides can handle this better than a tent..

YES! This is the main reason I will eventually get a camper.
I got battered 2 out of the 3 trips to Thaven last season...well, one was Ocotillo Wells for TDS.

Steve, if you get one with a small shower, your Wife will let you buy it. And she might even come out sometimes. The best thing is, you are right, a sit down toilet. Its nice to have a good sit down after morning coffee without hanging onto the front bumper.
I really miss those trips to Big Bear when I could drag that pop-up trailer down a fire road and camp for three or four days without seeing anyone. Can't do that with the RV. I was going to keep both, but I couldn't justify having all that money tied up in two camping rigs.

It's funny to hear you guy's talking about camper's especially since I went to the big RV show last weekend in Pomona. Camper's are great and you can alway's remove them at the camp site and still use your truck for something else. When I was at the show last weekend, I was looking at the 42-45' coaches with a bath & a half in them. I found one with a double sink in the back (usually they only have one sink in them) with 4 TV's. Also found one that sleep's ten people with a bath & a half. Bunk bed's and a king bed. Option's are unlimited.

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I hope you are looking at a 45 footer as a fall out shelter for all those of us with Tents. I don't even know why we still bring tents to Truckhaven, it's a lost cause, I sleep in my truck more than anything there.
