Truckhaven! October 25th-26th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven! October 25th-26th


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Ok Guys it's almost the middle of July, and I think we need a date and deadline for everybody to get there junk ready to go. So I'm thinking October 18-19 or 25-26. Hopefully it will cool off by then:(

But I'm itching get out and do some wheelin:burnout:


Or we can go somewhere else... Calico, Big Bear....?

Zukman & Zukma'am
Rick & Char
Dannyboy & crew
IZwack & Bro & maybe friend
Paul B.
RockRanger, Jeepgirl & friend
Bkennedy & co-driver
david alfaro

jobunn & the tall bros
tdavis (come one, do it)

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This would be a good goal.

Also, what was that place near Mammoth? Let's get something there this year too.

...We need a "jonesing" smiley...:D

i plan on getting a selectable locker for the front, just not sure when, it will not be by oct though:( Still have to replace the trailer:rolleyes:

Hmmm. With any luck, I'll have a few new things to bounce rocks off by then.

Subscribed... pending the possibility of $27/gallon gas :rolleyes:


"Ditto" on the subscribing

"Ditto" on the "jonesing" smiley

(I had to dig out the J**P from all the stuff in the garage and take it out in the wash and the hills behind my house this weekend -just to get it out of my system - geez)

Sounds good to us:D Count us in for either date.

As always I'm a maybe.

Dammmm....I'm out.:mad: It's either August or Dec. for me. Next year I'm quitting work so I can go wheeling. Well actually hoping on taking last half of year off:D Then I'll go waco.:p:

i say lets go to calico or johnson valley. ii've been to truck haven many times and it seems to be the only CA trip that gets planned (that and big bear)

lets mix it up a little. :dunno:

Sign me up for "Shredder Canyon" !!

My local spots, Rowher and Drinkwater, are still closed until Nov or Dec.

This is true, we always plan Truckhaven and usually get blown out for part of the trip. I love it there, but I would rather drive over for a new scene. Johnson Valley is definitely on the list.

Also, I'm independently running a trail I've been plotting in my GPS going from Phoenix to Flagstaff in the next few weeks to see how long it would take. Thus far it includes

Lake Pleasant(No. PHX) to Crown King(an old mining town).
Crown King to Prescott (a mild trail called senators HWY)
jump on the highway for a short distance to get on Mingus Mine trail (takes you to Cottonwood AZ)
about 18 miles of highway to Sedona (a very scenic place)
Sedona to Flagstaff on Schnebly Hill road.

Just thought I'd throw that out there if someone would want to think about joining in the future. It would probably be 2 solid days of wheeling, but driving back to Cali from Flagstaff isn't too bad of a drive (if your trailer isn't down in phoenix), plus there is the Cinders up in Flagstaff, essentially a lot to see if we could work it on a 3 day weekend.

Its 140 miles on the pavement, my proposed route takes that down to about 35 miles on the pavement. Here's the route. Just thought I'd throw that out there if any Cal guys wanted to put that on a tenative date.

Here's a map, offroad is green, on road is red.


  • trip north.JPG
    trip north.JPG
    27.8 KB · Views: 382

I'm also totatly up for going back up to Fresno!!:bounce:

I know it's a distance, but the trails up there we're pretty awesome:thumbsup:;)

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October is hard to plan for up by Fresno. Depending on when the snow shows up will determine if the trails are open.

I vote October in truckhaven and then do something in November or December out at the hammers.
