Completed Project - Stic-o's 2nd gen. radius arm/coil SAS | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Completed Project Stic-o's 2nd gen. radius arm/coil SAS

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Well it's Finaly Time to Start this thread.

In April of 2006 I will be doing a Solid Axle Swap on my '99 Explorer XL. Through the entire prosess I will be takink pics and updateing when there is is new info. I've pretty much always known I was going to do a SAS in my truck all along. For this reason, I have never but a dime into my front axle. I just never saw the point if I was going to rip it out.

The Plan

I plan to run a High Pinion Dana 44 full width in the front. I will be using Early Bronco Coils, posiablly 5.5" lift coils. I am still unsure of what I will be using for Radius arms, as we are still in the works. I would like to do a 3 link in the front but I don't think it's possiable with the cast wedges. I will be running 5.13 gears and plan to use anywhere from a 35" tire to a 37" tire, depending what I find. In the rear, I will be going to a 86-96 full width 8.8 off a Bronco/F-150. This will give me the ability to keep my speedometer, as well as reuseing my current locker, BTF Cover, and Disc Brakes. This will also give me a 5x5.5 pattern, and width almost dead on with the front. I would also like to move the rear leaf springs to the outside of the frame with the FW 8.8 to get rid of the spring hangers under the back doors that we all get caught on.

There alot of things still unsure, and I will figure it out as I go. Unfortally only small things will be done, until late March. Lack of funds will keep me from doing much until then. The axle will be set to go in the truck in April sometime though. Now let get to the goods. Pictures :D

The Meat

A side dish of parts


I can't wait for dessert :p

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Some crappy teser pics :p




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You gonna be finished for Moab???

Positive Vibes said:
You gonna be finished for Moab???

No way, not going to Moab anyway :( It was was moab or SAS. :p

Have it ready for when we get back from Moab for a Big Bear run!

I still gotta find a t-case when it's done, before I have 4WD. I'm not spending $250 for a custom driveshaft when I could just get a Manual T-case for that.

BKennedy said:
Oh, man, my ticket book is salivating..... :D :p

Hahahah! :p Lookin good Stic!

Colin when is the Big Bear run??

BKennedy said:
Oh, man, my ticket book is salivating..... :D :p

It's a ummm a Optical Illusion officer :D

Ha ha, yeah.. um didn't realize I was in that pic. That thing is so freaking tall right now! :eek: I love it. :D So... you're saying there's a size/height limit now??? Party poopers.

Maybe better pics are in order? :p :D ;) :cool: :) :thumbsup:


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I went over tonight and buttoned up the rear axle. Just got to weld the perches, and get a extended brake line and the rear is good to go. :thumbsup: The driveshaft is not long enough though. It does sit kinda hi right now :rolleyes: But once we take out the wedge blocks, but the bumper back on, and raise the front it should come down a few inches. We maxed the front jack stands out, and it's not even close to level :eek: The tires do stick out a bit, but it should be really stable. :thumbsup: I'm planning to get flares. The tires stick out about 3" to the crown of the tread, and about 5" from the sidewall :( They stuck out a little before, and no one ever said anything, so maybe I get away with a 3" flare :rolleyes:

Stic-o said:
:( They stuck out a little before, and no one ever said anything, so maybe I get away with a 3" flare :rolleyes:
Good thing you have a friend who can sign them off when you correct the violation, eh Stic-o?? :p
I find it kind of strange I have never been stopped in my Explorer for a mechanical violation, although I was seriously eyeballed by a SDPD officer a few days ago when I took it for a drive around town. Maybe he just thought I was cute. :confused:

Colin, i'm sure Brian will take care of you right after he's done writing up Stic-o :p

We usually make several runs during the summer up at Big Bear just like there's several runs at T-haven during the winter. Looks like Colin is in charge of the first run when we goin hmm huh hmm?

What's the plan tonight/this weekend, Stic? :)

big bear sounds great!

Being in Huntington Beach, I'm very surprised I haven't been stopped in mine with the tires sticking out as far as they do and the window tinted so dark.
I've gotten 3 mudflap tickets in 5 years. When I got the 3rd one I decided I better actually put mudflaps on before getting it signed off. :D
So now I've got my beautiful mudflaps that stick out 2" past the fender to cover the tire. :rolleyes:

ASAP after we get back from Moab. We also have to wait until all of you fools finish your trucks!! :p
Screw that, give them a deadline! (that they'll miss :p )

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section525 said:
What's the plan tonight/this weekend, Stic? :)

The weekend, weld the perches to the rear axle, get the driveshaft bolted up. Then i will start building the front axle, and get the RA Mounts mounted, so I can get the front axle in place, to moc everything up. May also start on the steering box mount. ;)

I think that's more then enough for this weekend. :rolleyes:
