Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th

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wow iam so out of it.....thought it was next weekend

exploderpilot said:
wow iam so out of it.....thought it was next weekend

LOL :confused: so whats up with your spindle? If you feel motivated enough to drive your ass up to orange on Saturday night you can roll to my 21st b-day kegger :chug:

RangerX said:
I plan to get there early Sat morn. Anyone staying over Friday nite? I don't know where the campsite is.

Hi guy's. Boy I envy you guy's all that time to off road and have fun. I'm gonna have to get a regular job someday.

I'm definitely in. I'll probably caravan with Ranger Saturday morning and stay till Sunday. Unlees some one is going Friday and wants to wheel.


  • Tom Driving 1.JPG
    Tom Driving 1.JPG
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Tom, did you go and buy that Jeep?

Naw, just wanted to stir things up a bit. I almost did before I did the SA. :D

Just finished going over the Navajo and had to change power steering hydraulic hose (still the original power steering unit) it was rubbing and got a small leak, new ARB compresor which was 10 years old, and front universal. Not bad for the beatings it's taken and the long trips. :eek:


I was about to call you a Trader, and then drill you on what in the heck you did with the Najajo? But it's oK now...I'm breathing again :p

Okay, so have we decided where we are going to meet up. I like the Discovery Center idea.

Also what trails are we planning on running.


I don't mean to speak for everyone here but i'm going by what people have posted so here goes.

Discovery Center would be a good meeting place (depending on what trail we run first) 9am Sat? That way everyone can get their adventure passes.

Fakrwee, if I get there early enough I wouldn't mind doing a run with ya but I probably won't make it out there til dusk. There were some other folks who said they were arriving on Fri but i'll let them speak for themselves. ;)

JeepMaster, I'm sure we'll be running the usual John Bull, Holcolmb creek, Dishpan springs (if open). I mentioned White mtn. and there was mention of Heartbreak ridge and a coupe other trails I don't remember. This isn't set in stone so if any one has a game plan then by all means post up.

Camping: No one's really said where they were camping except for jobunn so everyone is going to fend for themselves I assume.

Edit: The word i'm getting is that Dishpan is still closed so cross that off the list :rolleyes:

jobunn said:
I just called up there and the Discovery center said they just changed their rules yesterday (perfect timing :mad: ) which are fires only in developed sites regardless if you have a permit. Propane only in undeveloped sites. I love the undevelopes sites but like fires even more. ?
I'm not sure I understand. In a developed site, you can't have propane, but you can have a fire? Seems like you could have both, no?

Either way, if you want to call me when you get a spot on Friday, I will post it here. 858-735-0243. I would like to be in a campground. :)

hey josh, if i can get some brakes on the girl in time on saturday, i'll be there!

with no front clip! still need fiber?

RangerX said:
I'm not sure I understand. In a developed site, you can't have propane, but you can have a fire? Seems like you could have both, no?

Either way, if you want to call me when you get a spot on Friday, I will post it here. 858-735-0243. I would like to be in a campground. :)

In developed sites with iron fire pits, anything goes, fires or propane. In the undeveloped sites its propane only, no open fires. So I am gonna get some fire wood and try and get a developed site Friday. I'll call when I am set. And I should be up there by 12 or 1:00 so I'll be happy to do an evening run, while the wife cooks and the beers chill. ;)

DB 1, Jobunn I'll be arriving Friday betwen 2:00 & 3:00PM. My cell# is 760-213-5437. If we meet about 5:00 or 6:00 we can still do a run.

As to where to meet SaturdayI would prefer the rest. at Fawnskin only because of the resturant. But if we have to get an adventure pass than we should meet at the discovery center.

Stic-o relax. I hardly fit in that thing. :D Felt like being in a can of sardines. :confused:

exploderpilot said:
with no front clip! still need fiber?

how long does it take to do brakes?? haha. yah i just ordered the rear fiber a few days ago from Tim over at dmzfab. i guess he goes through maniak racing or somebody else. the price is pretty good and i have to burn through my summer earnings so its all good.

Bill, a developed campsite up there is one where you pay to get a spot ($15 a day last time I got a spot) and they usually have restrooms and running water.
An undeveloped campground simply means you can camp anywhere off some of the given trails/service roads...there are boundries where you can camp and cannot. So for instance, Big Pine flat would be a developed campground. Discovery center also has that info on a sheet that shows the shaded areas where you can camp. Those places usually fill up fast and it's best to make a reservation to nab one but we could get lucky.

Tom, Most likely I won't get up there until 8pm or so but if I happen to make it up earlier i'll give ya a call ;)

Here's my # just in case: 760-333-4781,

I tried to reserve one at Hanna Flat or Big Pine yesterday but they need a 4 day advance to make a reservation, so I got the big NO. Just today they show 3 reservable sites still open and 30 or so open for first come first serve. Plus Holcomb Creek is all first come first serve so that will be another option.

I should be able to get one if I can get up there early enough tomorrow. If i can get two sites near each other I will do that if enough people will be camping, (let me know) since I think there is only room available for two vehicles at each site. Per night it's $18 plus $5 extra if there are two vehicles for each site.

I cant wait to get the hell out of the city.

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I'll split a site. I'll only be there saturday night, though.

Dave, I knew the difference in campgrounds. I've stayed in both types up there, and I definately like having fires, restrooms and running water. :D
