Truck Haven 2007 Feb. 10-11 Discussion Thread | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2007 Feb. 10-11 Discussion Thread

the current weather conditions at borrego springs - which is also the nearest reporting weatherstation. next nearest is thermal, ca - about 30 miles away.

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ok im from pheonix and i am definately gunna be a stocker this weekend if i make it out and as of now this is the farthest west i have be since im from ky but im curious im not sure if i plan on stayin the night but i couldnt get to the info page on the run but i need like an accurate as you can get location on this place so i can find it and also what all do yall want me to bring if i just come out for the day if i stay the night i can sleep in my truck done it before trying to get rims for the tires im going to run so that is that is the only thing holding me back from going all out with yall but anyway what do yall reccomend if i do come out since i cant get any of the info id really like to make it out so i can see what kind of mods yall have on your trucks so i can get a good idea on what i want to do with me truck

Its a pretty long ways to come just for a day run. Probably close to 5 hours each way. It would probably be better to grab your sleeping bag (lows in the 30s) and some food and come on out. If you dont have a stove dont worry about it and come on out there will be plenty of us with stoves that you can use. Mapquest Salton City CA and that will get you the closest location to get directions from. From salton city you will take S22 towards Borrego Springs Go about 3-4 miles. On the left you will see sign that says Ocotillo State vechicle recreation area. Stay on the highway and you will start climbing to the top of a bluff. A few hundred yards up on the right you will see a road closed sign and that is where you turn right. Go up past that and veer to the right. You will see us all there. If you want more info you can give me a call. 619 322 9832. Matt Also bring firewood you can never have to big of a fire.

If you haven't signed up for the potluck, please do so. :hammer:

We need:


Tracy and I will bring an appitizer plates and napkins. Ill post it in the other thread as well.

ok im from pheonix ....i need like an accurate as you can get location on this place so i can find it

These are the directions I have from PHX...

I-10 to Mecca Exit.

Follow all the way through Mecca. Cross railroad tracks and make a left at the light.

Make the first right, comes up quick.

Take a left at the light by the Truck Stop.

This part is different...
Follow 86 all the way to S22. You will pass N. Marina Drive. S22 is the intersection by Superburger.

Take a right on S22 and head towards Borrego Springs.

For directions to camp from there, check the Truck Haven discussion thread. Froader posted photos and directions to the new campsite.

ok yea i mean i googled salton and it said it is like a 4 hour drive so for me it will be more like a 3 hour since im still all stock for now but yea i am def think about it i am trying to see if there is anyone here from pheonix that is going out that i might be able to catch a ride with

I would offer but i am going one way. been working all week in Casa Grande so i will be headed there from here saturday afternoon after i finish my run for the week.

Well, I just got off the phone with the body guy, and no Explorer for me this weekend. :( I should make it out anyway (might need a extra seat or three). He assures me it will be finished by TDS or sooner.

come on fedex, get me my new drop bracket in so i can put it on before friday!

that was the plan, or just have the old brackect welded (superlift drop brckect you know how that goes and such, but hey they sent me a new one of each axle brackets for free) but the new ones came in about five minutes ago, so its time to get dirty now.

Brian, Darn:( Well I got 1 extra seat.

Matt, You can run the cord from my MotorHome. I'll run the generator if need be.

I'll be arriving around 12:00-1:00pm. Anyone else arriving early friday?


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I'm almost out the door. It's raining here in SF, but they don't forecast to move much farther south for a few days, if at all.

We decided to just come out late Friday night or early Saturday morning. We are planning on leaving Sunday morning after we get up and around to packing up. Since I don't have a vehicle, we are going to make it a short trip.

we're gonna be going to glamis on friday and showing up at truck haven saturday, but what time are we supposed to be there?

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Tracy and I are planning on being out there around 2-3 pm. Have to do a bit of work on the truck in the am then pack up and head out. I need a diesel, the darn gas motor slows me up getting out there and back. We plan on packing up and heading home sunday morning.
